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    March 12, 2021

    Useful information

    Car business names


    Automobile business name ideas

    “Everything is busy, what to do? ” – This is about how an entrepreneur feels when it comes to the name of the company. After all, everything has been invented for a long time, and you want something sonorous and bright and so that it is clear about the nature of the company. The life of any business begins with a name. There is a good saying on this subject: “As you name a ship, so it will sail.” Successful name for car business helps to identify the product, inspire confidence and gain a foothold in the minds of consumers. Naming must be effective, i.e.stand out among others, because it is an important factor influencing the success of the company. This question can be entrusted to specialists, but it is much more pleasant to come up with good car business names, which will ensure the growth and development of business.

    We reveal the main secrets when creating the name ⠀

    • Put together an idea that fits the automotive theme. It is better not to come up with artificial words and abbreviations. They do not give an understanding of the product, they are difficult and expensive to promote. It is better to display some information about the activity or nature of the product. Use the word “auto” or its derivatives in the name. This will help you not to get lost in your target audience. It will be easy for people to recognize, on the Internet or in a magazine, what they are looking for.
    • Don’t be wise. Remember: the simpler the better. Do not overdo it with creativity and too long words, they are harder to perceive and do not attract the attention of the consumer. The best car company names are concise and short. Font and color are also important. Do not use complex fonts, most people simply will not understand the text, because it will be difficult to read. As for the color palette, choose at your discretion and wishes. However, color affects a person’s perceptions and associations, many studies have been conducted on this topic, which indicate that a person’s reaction to a color is unconscious. Here are some examples of associations according to the palette:

    Red: fire, love, aggression, temptation, power, strength, rebellion;

    Orange: pleasure, celebration, nobility, pleasure, joy;

    Yellow: movement, warmth, light, happiness;

    Green: peace, tranquility, life, growth, harmony, youth, freshness, health, purity;

    Blue: trust, loyalty, logic, security;

    Purple: wisdom, maturity, freedom, sophistication, imagination, wealth;

    Black: mystery, elegance, authority, luxury;

    White: purity, inviolability, peace.

    • Take your time. Do not choose a name right away, “live” with it. It should respond within you. Weigh the pros and cons, make a table and describe the disadvantages and advantages. You can also consult with family, friends, colleagues. Third-party help can point out your shortcomings, or vice versa – you will be praised for choosing the right name.
    • Study your target audience. What does she like? What should be the impression when you come in contact with your product? Evaluate the market for services that are identical to yours. Take into account the cool names for car company competitors, so as not to repeat and stand out.
