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    March 12, 2021

    Useful information

    Car wash quotes


    Quotes about clean cars: how to choose a quality car wash

    When it comes to caring for and washing your own car, the question arises: “Which car wash to choose? “. It should be taken with the utmost seriousness, because the car is an expensive purchase, the care of which must be professional. Poor service can damage your vehicle. For example: the wrong foam for cleaning, as a result – peeled paint on your car. There are also cases when the auto is wiped with an unsuitable cloth, after which there are scratches, in which case you will have to polish the auto and spend extra money. Today, there are a variety of services provided by stations: roller auto washes, high-pressure stations, modern automatic detail centers and many others. There are many ways to clean your auto, but today we will try to shed light on the advantages and disadvantages to consider to help you make your informed choices and save your budget.

    Things that need extra attention in this matter

    • Customer feedback. Perhaps the most important thing is to take into account the opinion of auto owners who have previously used this or that auto wash and left their feedback on it. You can read such characteristics on the website of the company you choose or using the search engine.
    • Think about the quality of the water used for washing. No one wants to wash their own car with sewage. However, some companies practice this technique. According to the law, they must process them before use, but some car washes do not treat this issue as responsibly as necessary. Therefore, always check what kind of water is used by the car wash station.
    • Means used in auto washes. With the right and correct products at the washing station, any kind of it becomes safe. To know, for example, the organic or chemical nature of the substance used to clean cars – consult a manager. Most varnishes or films are quite stable, i.e.provide protection from natural influences, but some substances of chemical origin can adversely affect the coating of the auto. Therefore, it is better to choose a station that uses good, professional and high-quality organic detergents.
    • Services and car wash quotes. If you choose a car wash station, you will purchase one or more services. Most stations offer the following types of washing:
    • basic car wash (used for cars or rollers by high pressure washing);
    • cleaning wheels (applying cleaning solution to the wheels);
    • protective layer (ie aerosol wax).
    • Some American stations offer anti-corrosion coating for your car, of course the price for such a service will be appropriate. In general, prices range from 8 to 15 dollars, it all depends on the class of car wash you choose and additional services.
