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    March 12, 2021

    Useful information

    Car with plane engine


    The automotive industry is evolving every day. Throughout its existence, there have been many inventors and engineers who have made significant contributions to its history. In some places, their work has been crazy and incomprehensible, but these ideas made progress. In this article we will tell you about an extremely interesting project “Brutus”, which impresses all cars and aviation enthusiasts to this day.

    It all started in Germany. In the territorial latitudes of this country, a project called “Brutus” was created and implemented. After the end of World War II, there were many engines used in aircraft, as the aggressor country was forbidden to build, own and operate a flying vehicle. Despite this, the engines quickly found application – they were installed and operated in cars that participated in high-speed racing. The main mechanism in the car called Brutus – a chassis with a chain drive of 1907, which came from a fire spray of the American company LaFrance. This car was fitted with a twelve-cylinder aircraft engine from BMW (the eighth series, built in the early 1930s), which had a capacity of about 47 liters. The previous mechanism had special qualities: six side and the same number of main connecting rods. The engine had a unique collection of parts, according to which it took up little space and had little weight. Due to the length of the connecting rods, which was different, the aircraft engine developed cylinders that reduced its heating. In total, this engine had a total volume of 46.92 liters. The BMW aircraft engine was equipped with 550 horsepower and had continuous power at 1530 rpm. The maximum configuration gave all 750 horsepower on 1700 rounds. Of course, with such indicators, fuel consumption was high. For example: at rated power it took about two hundred liters of regular gasoline per hour. Built in 1925, this type of engine was used for flying boats Heinkel He 9 or Dornier Wal.

    Principles of operation: engine power is transmitted to the rear axle through the original three-speed gearbox and chain drive. An intermediate gearbox was installed between the “heart of the car” and the gearbox to adapt to the low crankshaft. Torque has been transmitted exclusively to the rear wheels. There was no intermediate wall in this vehicle. That is, a person sits directly behind a mechanism separated by a lattice, which converts energy into mechanical work. Due to this, it was not uncommon for the driver to be uncomfortable and hot.

    The attractiveness of this car was given by the unique look and power that it gave off, which is 800 rpm, reaching a division of one hundred kilometers per hour. After many years of hard work on creating and improving the car – it has been ready to use. Since then, the car plane engine has attracted attention wherever it appears.

    Experience the thrill of a car with a plane engine, combining unparalleled power and speed. When you’re not hitting the road, secure your unique vehicle with our specialized car parking at the airport. The airport car parking facilities offer top-tier security and convenience, ensuring your extraordinary car is protected while you travel. Enjoy peace of mind knowing your high-performance vehicle is safely parked at the airport.