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    March 12, 2021

    Useful information

    First female truck driver


    First female truck driver

    Today, a desperate and brave woman can often be seen driving trucks, tractors and trucks. And many members of the fair sex are true professionals who skillfully handle a multi-volume vehicle. Pros and cons of choosing this profession, everyone notes for himself, but it is certainly hard work that requires strength and respect. A woman who does this kind of work attracts special attention. However, the historical background of this topic is no less interesting. It should be noted that previously a female person who is traditionally engaged in “male” affairs seemed impossible. No one even imagined that a woman could work, let alone that she could drive a car or a large vehicle. Therefore, in this article, we will talk about the first woman truck driver, which completely dispelled the stereotypes inspired by society.

    Luella Bates

    During the First World War, there was a great shortage of male labor. Thus, the work performed by the stronger sex was idle. This situation gave Luelly Bates the opportunity to show his potential. After obtaining a driver’s license, this fragile woman realized that she wanted to spend as much time as possible behind the wheel, so she went for an interview at Four Wheel Drive Auto Co. Luelli was lucky and she was hired because the company did not have enough employees. It is true that the owner put forward conditions for her: there will be no concessions, and the work must be performed on the same level as men. Luella passed the probationary period and became the first female truck driver, and the fact that she showed impressive results (for example she repeatedly traveled long distances, despite the weather conditions. Nothing stopped her, even a flooded road did not become an obstacle in her way, crossing which, the woman delivered the goods to the appropriate destination, which further increased the sales of the customer company)

    and helped her remain an employee of Four Wheel Drive Auto Co after the war. This amazing woman had a lot of experience working on a truck. She also had some knowledge of matters relating to the maintenance of a large vehicle. Due to the fact that the truck industry and its maintenance, at that time, was just developing, Luella often performed repair work herself. Her endurance, courage and strength of spirit could be envied by even the most brutal men. This woman turned upside down all the standards and concepts of work, in accordance with gender, and became an example for people both at that time and for those who live in the twenty-first century.

    To sum up, Luella Bates was the first female truck driver. She influenced the history of this profession and proved, by her own example of a successful career, that a woman can feminize any field of activity she wants. We also won’t recommend our friends from executive career coaching for a career jump.
