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    March 12, 2021

    Useful information

    How to pack a car for moving


    How pack car for moving?

    Choosing the right way to transport your car to your destination is one of the key moments when moving or buying a car in another region. When deciding in favor of this or that carrier, it is important to take into account the specifics of the cargo packaging.

    The main methods of auto-cargo transportation


    Auto transporter, container – the most relevant option for transporting vehicles from one city to another. The key advantage of this transportation type is the ability to move the vehicle to any settlement with maximum cargo protection during transportation.

    A container on a truck is profitable, convenient, fast and, most importantly, it allows you to hide valuable cargo. The cost of the service is formed taking into account the dimensions of the car and its cost. A mandatory document when using freight vehicles is an act of acceptance and vehicle transfer and a power of attorney for it from the owner.


    In this case, containers, net wagons, platforms, etc.are used. Railway transportation is safer than automobile transportation. Moreover, it will be cheaper. The key feature is high carrying capacity and a variety of delivery methods.

    The car is securely fixed to a fixed platform. The most in demand are specialized closed cars. But railway delivery also has a significant drawback – territorial limitation. In the absence of such railway lines at the delivery point, delivery is excluded.

    Air transportation

    It is rarely used, although it is considered the most efficient, but also the most expensive. The car is fixed on a special platform with soft belts or metal cables. The possibility of damage to the cargo is excluded. Air transportation is relevant for international transportation that requires customs clearance or in the fastest delivery case. There are strict restrictions on the cargo weight and dimensions.

    Sea transport (in container)

    When transporting cars by sea, special container ships of a standard size are used, which makes containers from anywhere in the world compatible with each other. This makes it possible to simplify the loading process and deliver by ship, caravan or train.

    Some of the largest vessels currently operating around the world reach an incredible 1300 feet in length and carry up to 16000 containers. So how does loading take place? The car is carefully driven into the container, then its wheels are locked. Chocks can be made of wood, metal and are mounted directly to the bottom of the container.

    After locking the wheels, the machine is fixed with soft ratchet straps built into the fixing corner lugs – this eliminates the load movement during transportation.

    On a note about car moving tips: when transporting a car from far abroad, you need to be prepared for the fact that the car may have a discharged battery, dirty interior, etc.
