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    March 12, 2021

    Useful information

    Should you buy salvage cars


    Should buy salvage cars? Valuable advice from professionals

    At first glance, it may seem that the presence of small chips or scratches on the car should not be considered a problem, but dented spars are. But any situation is individual, and there are some nuances in each. To quickly and, most importantly, successfully answer the question of whether buying salvage cars worth it, you need to have an idea of the existing damage and the degree of their danger.

    External elements

    The outer parts of the car are the first to take impact in an accident. Damage to the hood, doors and other elements can either be noticeable during the purchase of a car (and this immediately simplifies the assessment process), or it can be eliminated by the seller. In the second case, it is more difficult to assess the severity of damage: only indirect signs such as the thickness of the paintwork of the part, the state of adjacent elements, etc., will help.

    For example, traces of paint on the fender, hood and a new headlight, together, signal that the impact during the accident was palpable and it is worth taking a closer look at the power elements located in that place. And the painted bumper is not a cause for concern, because, in fact, it is a consumable as such.

    Conclusion: It good buy salvage car. A car with damaged exteriors is definitely a candidate for purchase. But before that, you need to assess the degree of color (for example, double with a paintwork thickness of up to 220 microns is an insignificant indicator) and the number of affected neighboring elements.

    Power elements

    Such problems arise as a result of a strong impact – the car’s struts, thresholds, etc.can be damaged. At the time of an accident, the power elements to some extent dampen the impact. The situation is solved by pulling out the damaged parts on the slipway and welding metal plates on them (for reinforcement).

    Assessing the merits of such a purchase is not as easy as in the first case. It all depends on the characteristics of the blow and the type of part. For example, the radiator panel is easily deformed with a minor impact. This is just an excuse to inspect the neighboring parts, and not refuse to buy. A deformation of the B-pillar or an obviously repaired engine shield increases the risk of a bad purchase.

    Conclusion. The decision on whether to buy an inspected machine depends on the power part and the presence/number of damaged associated elements.

    Constructive death

    What does this phrase mean? In fact, this is a broken car that visually seems whole. Unfortunately, premium class cars are often found in this category. The problem is that such cars are expensive and you can still make money on them. “Constructors” often fall into the hands of dealers.

    Such cars do not have security systems, suffer from broken body geometry, and can often be restored through donation. What will happen to such a car in the event of a second accident is unknown even to the person who restored it.

    Conclusion. An unequivocal rejection of buying salvage car worth it. Otherwise, the buyer should prepare for regular expenses for repairs or, even worse, for the risk to life.
