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    March 12, 2021

    Useful information

    Window tint legal florida


    Legal tinting of car windows in Florida

    Many people want to ensure the privacy and security of their own car. The second point is especially important if they live in a sunny state. To solve this problem came up with tinting windows. What percent tint legal Florida? There are many toning options, for example: the 3M shade will protect you from 99% of harmful UV rays and reduce the heat that enters the cabin through the windows by 60%. However, you can not darken the windows as you wish. After all, in Florida there is a certain law and strict restrictions on Florida car window tinting laws.

    Details about the resolution and its implementation

    • The percentage of darkness in the window shade is an indicator, as a percentage, of the light that enters the car through the adhesive film. The same rules apply to cars, trucks and multi-seat vehicles.
    • According to the law, the car owner is not allowed to tint the windshield. The permissible dimming rate of the first pair of side windows is 28% + light. The rear side window must transmit 15% of the light in accordance with the standards. For multi-seater transport, the light percentage entering the car is 6 of these units.
    • There are various materials for tinting glass. When choosing a film with a reflective shade, keep in mind that the maximum dimming index can not exceed 25% of the front windows, and rear – 35%.
    • If you are the tinted car owner – the double side mirrors presence is mandatory.
    • Not all eclipse shades are allowed in Florida. So, before gluing the color you have chosen, make sure that it is legal.
    • The law also has some exceptions to the rules. These exceptions apply only to certain medical indicators concerning the state of driver health of the motor vehicle. For example: a person with lupus, autoimmune disease or other diseases that require minimal exposure to light on the skin – is issued a certificate of exemption from this regulation. This certificate is not attached to the car and is not transferable. Therefore, if you sell a car – the film must be torn off.
    • Measure your window hue. If a police officer suspects your car is too dark, it may stop you and estimate the toning percentage using a light meter that passes through your window. If the officer determines that your shade does not comply with the law – you will receive a summons.

    We encourage you to adhere to the legal limit for window tint Florida. This manipulation type of your car is mandatory in this US state. If you do not comply with the law, you will receive a summons for too dark windows, in which case you will have to pay a fine and change the shade. Window tinting provides your car cooling, interior protection and most importantly – protection of your health from UV rays. But remember: “ignorance of the law does not absolve from responsibility.”
