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    March 12, 2021


    Interstate car transport companies


    An excellent road carrier is an efficient and responsible partner who takes care not only of his own interests, but also tries to think and do everything to make the client comfortable. Choosing our company, you get just such a mentor for your own purposes.

    Our employees are qualified specialists who can easily organize transportation of any plan. Regardless of what kind of car you want to entrust us, how much free finance you have and where you want to send the goods – in the country or abroad, we undertake to select the optimal service that will suit you and us. We will be equally careful about budget and expensive cars, offering them the most relevant ways of transportation, delivery, etc.

    How to transport – you decide!

    We only offer our strength, and here we are facilitated by the possibilities of a huge fleet of vehicles, which allows us to make transportation full and convenient.

    In our possession, open auto transporters – such cars are good for organizing the transportation of budget vehicles, where it is important to preserve the safety of the car, but not go beyond a small amount of money. Here the cars go at once in 5 (maybe more) pieces, but at the same time they are completely protected from impact or sudden flight from the site.

    Enclosed auto transporters will make transportation as secure as possible. The car will be sent to a separate compartment on wheels, which isolates it from the outside world and protects it from any influences. The service differs in price, but also in the high level of quality.

    How long to wait?

    One of the most frequently asked questions. We set the framework within 14 days. With a successful outcome, this figure can be reduced. But still, it is better to focus on the maximum time frame so as not to be disappointed. Note that 2 weeks is the minimum period for our service sector, many interstate car transport companies cannot guarantee this speed.

    Need faster

    We understand and get into the position of offering super fast delivery. It will cost more, but here you will dictate the time frame, and we will do everything to comply with them.

    How can I check the progress of an order?

    A perfectly justified desire. Of course, you can call our managers at any time of the day. By the way, using the same numbers you can get other 24/7 consultations regarding our interstate car transport services.

    So that there was no need to call, but information about the valuable cargo was received, the customer can debug automatic notification to his mobile or online mail.

    We are “veterans” of this service sector, therefore we are ready to perform any feats for your benefit. In our company there are only real professionals who are able to solve any problems and give all kinds of guarantees of the quality of services. You can get a comprehensive service for little money, taking off all obligations and just waiting for the result.
