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    March 12, 2021


    Is a lamborghini the fastest car in the world


    Bright and daring, over the past 50 years the company has established itself as one of the most desirable and respected brands. Masters of the automotive industry from Sant’Agata Bolognese started from scratch and have repeatedly been on the verge of collapse, but thanks to them, the world has seen amazing cars.

    World fastest car Lamborghini

    The history the company is full of extraordinary, sometimes even crazy moments. The founder – Ferruccio Lamborghini, at a young age, like many founders automobile companies, was fond of various mechanisms, a natural engineer had no difficulty graduating from engineering school, after which he worked as a mechanic. After the war, Lamborghini was engaged in converting military equipment into agricultural, it was then that he began to use the image a bull on his products. Having achieved great success in this matter, he opened his own company and in the late 40’s released the first tractor of his own design. He got rich and bought a small fleet of five sports cars, but none of them satisfied him, after which Ferruccio suddenly decided to make his own supercar.

    About the most interesting events in the automotive world

    Lamborghini has finally introduced its racing supercar SCV 12. According to Lamborghini, the SCV 12 is a direct descendant of models such as the Miura Jota and Diablo GTR and is equipped with the most powerful atmospheric V 12 in the company’s history.

    Thanks to a number improvements that have not yet been revealed, engineers have managed to increase the efficiency of the installation to an impressive 830 forces.

    This power is transferred exclusively to the rear axle through a six-speed transmission. SCV 12 is an exceptional supercar, which is confirmed by the impressive energy capacity per 1 kg of weight per 1.66 horsepower, which was achieved through the use of a carbon chassis made of carbon fiber without an internal frame. To ensure maximum stability and maneuverability, the car is able to generate 1200 kg of downforce at a speed of 250 kilometers per hour, all thanks to the new aerodynamics, consisting of a huge adjustable anti-wing massive diffuser and front bumper. The most interesting thing is that the weight of the car consists of three main parts, which allows you to quickly and easily replace any of the damaged parts during the pit stop. The car is equipped with magnesium discs: front 19, rear 20, wrapped in rubber from Pirelli. For safety take care of the brake system from Brembo Motorsport.

    Unfortunately, the company does not report the dynamic characteristics of the car, but it is known that a total of 40 copies will be released. A nice bonus – all owners of SCV 12 become automatic members of the anonymous club, which will offer various training programs, as well as access to the most famous racing tracks. This car is not intended for use on public roads, each copy must be stored in an individual garage with 24-hour video surveillance and a special application in which customers can monitor the condition of their car. Something similar is practiced by Ferrani and apparently Lamborghini decided not to lag behind.
