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    Cars shipping to and from Illinois

    Chicago – California


    It is not we who called ourselves experts in the field of car transportation, but our countless customers who have been turning to us for many years now if they need to quickly deliver a car from one region to another or between countries. Our strongest partner network and a huge fleet of vehicles, as well as a powerful workforce, allow us to quickly organize any transportation, regardless of the brand, class, dimensions and cost of the vehicle.

    The client is only required to hand over the cargo and the keys to us, and we will do the rest for you, allowing you to receive the car in the right place, at the right time, without overpayments and delays. Only transparent conditions and real comfort in every offer.

    What else are we ready to demonstrate?

    During our work, we were able to collect all the best in our services, so that you always have the right to choose and select the ideal service as an option.


    It’s nice to know that your car is transported safely and comfortably, so our clients can independently choose two services with different degrees of convenience:

    • open car transporter – transports cars collectively, but provides high protection against mechanical stress;
    • enclosed carrier – transports the vehicles separately, but with this custom design, you can provide full protection from any influences, including precipitation and dirt.

    The first option is simple and affordable at cost ship car California Chicago, so it is often used for budget car models. The second one is elitist and has an overpriced price tag, but it is respected by clients who transfer expensive property into our hands.

    Delivery period

    A sore subject for many companies, but not for us! We always give clear deadlines of 2 weeks and happily shorten them when we succeed. Experience, transport and labor forces help us in this. To find out right now how long your transportation will take, just dial our operators.

    If you are not ready to be content with services within the standard framework, then we will offer very fast delivery for a small surcharge. Then your car will arrive anywhere in the country or abroad, as quickly as possible.

    Always be in touch

    This is practically our motto, because contact with each other helps us to quickly cope with assigned tasks, and contact with you becomes a way to improve ourselves. Therefore, we have a round-the-clock informing service about the progress of the order, which sends you data as the transporter moves and the arrival time is shortened.

    Every employee is our treasure

    Guided by this, we select only proven and experienced units in our staff who will not let you down at a crucial moment and will be able to demonstrate our professionalism to clients to the fullest.

    Find out more about us by calling managers on the 24/7 line!
